Channel: LSPR

[HEADLINE] Final Presentation Communication Plan Education Indonesia Platform with The EKONID


Jakarta – Faculty of Communication is proud to present the Final Presentation Communication Plan for the Education Indonesia education platform and the GDVET (German standard Dual Vocational Training) and Training Pool which was also attended by representatives of the German-Indonesian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (EKONID) i.e. Mr. Jan Roennfeld as Managing Director and Ms. Ute Brokmann as Deputy Managing Director Head of Training and Education. On that occasion also the presence of Mr. Rendro Dhani, Ph.D as the Deputy Head of the Public Relations & Digital Communication Study Program who gave the Opening Remarks. In his message Mr. Rendro expressed his gratitude and positively welcomed this activity because it would provide students with good experience and understanding to find out how the Communication Plan can be implemented properly according to the industry and the real field. He also stated that this opportunity could be a valuable portfolio for students.

Group 1

In this activity, there were two groups who carried out their presentations, which were mentored by Ms Sylvia A Ronnfeld & Mr. Maulandiki Dhani. Each presentation consists of exposure to 5 Stages of PR Planning (Research, Designing Event, Planning & Execution, Coordination & Implementation, Evaluation). The first group consisting of Angeline Olivia Prasetya, Kayla Maura Sabina, Ni Wayan Laksmi Aditia Gayatri & Jordan Islami Wirama submitted proposed activities for the Pre Event, Main Event & Post Event consisting of Social Media Post, Paid Advertisement, Video Marketing, Video Teaser, Website Teaser, Webinars and initiated the use of the hashtag #educathink. Meanwhile, the second group consisting of Adella Nathania, Janet Kurnia, Karina Eunike, Intan Putri, Michailin Natasha & Tiffany Vania proposed several activities consisting of collaborative projects, social media activities, press conferences & webinars.

Group 2

Through his response Mr. Ronnfeld said that the ideas presented were very interesting and he appreciated the efforts and performances made by the two groups in preparing the Communication Plan materials. While Ms. Brokmann said that appreciation should be given to both groups for having prepared a very detailed and creative Communication Plan. In the announcement, it was stated that the winner in making the Communication Plan for this educational platform was Group 2 which had more detailed activity programs. Mr. Ronnfeld also offered the opportunity to join the implementation of the Education Indonesia website for the two groups in the form of an Internship Program. In closing, Ms. Sylvia said that both groups could continue to be motivated in the future.

All Participants

[UPDATE] THE VILLAGE LITERACY LSPR “Digital-Based Village Organization Communication Training for Muara Gembong – Bekasi”


Bekasi – The Communication Studies Study Program together with LP3M LSPR Communication and Business Institute held a webinar entitled Village Literacy LSPR on Thursday, July 29, 2021. The Village Literacy LSPR Webinar invited all lecturers and students of Communication and Business Institute LSPR and the people of Muara Gembong District to discuss digital-based village organizational communication training for Muara Gembong. The event was opened with remarks from Mr. Rudi Sukadar, Director of LP3M LSPR who told about the business cooperation between LSPR and Muara Gembong District about village organizational communication training.

Furthermore, Mr. Nurul Hadi IKH as the Coordinator of Village Development and Village SDGs Acceleration, delivered his speech. Mr. Nurul explained that there are four pillars of digital literacy, namely Digital Skills, Digital Ethics, Digital Culture and Digital Security. Village digitization is very important for villagers in finding work, sending messages, government services and administrative systems as well as for public services.

Mr. Wahyudi Anggoro Hadi as speaker

The webinar continued with the session with Mr. Wahyudi Anggoro Hadi, Head of Panggungharjo Bantu Village, Yogyakarta. He had made environmental management in 2003 where he helped the surrounding environment and created the Tamanu Oil Production Unit. He also shared his experience in Village digitization for the COVID-19 response stage in Villages hit by the Covid-19 virus, by only using cellphones to help the needs of the Village community. “There are more than 900 people who are actively using digital and helping to deal with COVID-19.” he said.

Dr. Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi as speaker

The next session by Dr. Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi, LSPR Lecturer as well as Professional Trainer & Senior Researcher at Luximore Employer Branding. She explained about vertical communication between communication to subordinates and communication to superiors from different directions. Vertical communication is very important for every different villager so it needs to be communicated. According to Dr. Gracia, vertical communication or lateral communication is very important for the organization. Likewise, external communication to every citizen, organization and public using different media. She also explained about the function of organizational communication with four pillars. Many people use mobile phones, the internet and social media in Indonesia, because there are many people who use these things and of course because of the communication process. She also mentioned that the messages we send must be positive not negative as a form of using gadgets properly.


Article by: Michael





Muara Gembong, 29 Juli 2021 – Pandemik Covid 19 mengubah begitu banyak aspek kehidupan kita karena kita dipaksa untuk bekerja, belajar, dan memaksimalkan aktivitas dari rumah. Di sisi lain, kehidupan terus berjalan, termasuk pelayanan pemerintah kepada masyarakat, baik yang letaknya di kota maupun di desa. Mau tidak mau, semua orang harus mampu beradaptasi dan bertransformasi menjadi semakin melek teknologi. 

Hal tersebut mendasari Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis (IKB) LSPR untuk menginisiasi Program LSPR Literasi Desa sebagai wujud pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang merupakan bagian dari Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi. Untuk mengimplementasikan program ini, salah satu kegiatan bertajuk “Pelatihan Komunikasi Organisasi Desa Berbasis Digital” diselenggarakan pada 29 Juli 2021, pukul 09.00–12.00 WIB untuk perangkat desa di lingkup Kecamatan Muara Gembong, Kabupaten BekasiProvinsi Jawa Barat. Para peserta merupakan perwakilan dari Kelurahan/Desa Jaya Sakti, Pantai Harapan Jaya, Pantai Sederhana, Pantai Bahagia, Pantai Bakti, dan Pantai Mekar. Kegiatan yang dilakukan secara daring ini juga diikuti oleh para mahasiswa, alumni, dan dosen  IKB LSPR.

Acara ini dibuka oleh Dr. Rudi Sukandar, Direktur Lembaga Penelitian, Publikasi, dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPPM) LSPR sekaligus penanggung jawab kegiatan Program Literasi Desa. Mewakili IKB LSPR, beliau berharap agar kegiatan ini dapat memberi dampak positif bagi para perangkat desa di Kecamatan Muara Gembong. Diakui beliau bahwa proses transformasi menjadi desa digital tidak mudah karena banyaknya kendala yang harus dihadapi dan dicari solusinya. Beliau menutup sambutannya dengan menyampaikan harapan agar kegiatan ini menjadi program yang berkelanjutan agar desa-desa di Kecamatan Muara Gembong dapat segera menjadi desa digital.


Hadir sebagai keynote speaker adalah Nurul Hadi IKH, S.Ag, Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Desa dan Percepatan SDGs Desa. Dalam sambutannya, beliau menyatakan pentingnya bagi desa untuk melakukan upaya digitalisasi agar pelayanan terhadap masyarakat semakin efektif dan efisien. Dengan demikian, masyarakat tidak perlu datang ke balai desa, kantor kelurahan, atau kantor kecamatan jika memerlukan surat pengantar atau dokumen lainnya karena dapat diurus melalui email atau layanan pesan teks seperti Whatsapp

Wahyudi Anggoro Hadi S.Farm, Apt, Kepala Desa Panggungharjo, Bantul Yogyakarta, menjadi  narasumber pertama. Dalam pemaparannya beliau menyampaikan langkah-langkah Desa Paggungharjo menangani pandemik Covid 19, mengelola lingkungan, dan mensejahterakan rakyat, termasuk melibatkan penyandang disabilitas sebagai tenaga kerja. Beliau juga menjelaskan capaian dari pelayanan kesehatan bagi kaum lanjut usia dan penyandang difabel, hingga perlindungan sosial melalui lembaga Bapel JPS bagi ibu dan anak dari keluarga tidak mampu. Beliau kemudian menyanyikan sepenggal lirik lagu lawas milik Ari Lasso: “Sentuhlah dia tepat di hatinya, dia ‘kan jadi milikmu selamanya…”. Beliau menjadikan penggalan lirik ini sebagai tips untuk memenangkan hati masyarakat dan menjadikannya sebagai modal penting dalam membangun komunikasi dengan mereka.

Narasumber kedua adalah Dra. Gracia Rachmi Adiarsi, M.M yang merupakan seorang dosen senior IKB LSPR. Beliau  menjelaskan mengenai pentingnya pelaksanaan komunikasi organisasi desa di era digital. Beliau juga mengajak perangkat desa Muara Gembong untuk berdiskusi mengenai kendala komunikasi apa saja yang dihadapi para perangkat desa dengan masyarakat.


Setelah presentasi dari kedua narasumber, acara dilanjutkan dengan sesi tanya jawab dan diskusi dengan para peserta kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini. Kegiatan ini ditutup dengan penyampaian harapan dari seluruh pihak terkait agar terbangun kerja sama di masa mendatang untuk membangun desa berbasis digital.


Sekilas LSPR


LSPR–Jakarta berdiri sejak 1 Juli 1992 adalah sebuah perguruan tinggi swasta yang menyelenggarakan program sarjana ilmu komunikasi yang terbagi atas enam konsentrasi pilihan yaitu, Public Relations, International Relations, Marketing, Mass Communication, Digital Media Communication & Advertising dan Performing Arts Communication, serta program pasca sarjana yang terbagi menjadi empat konsentrasi yaitu Corporate Communication, Marketing Communication, International Relations Communication dan Mass Media Management. Saat ini LSPR–Jakarta memiliki 20.000 lulusan serta sebanyak 6.536 mahasiswa dan mahasiswi aktif.


Data LSPR Career Centre menunjukkan tingkat serapan lulusan LSPR-Jakarta di dunia kerja mencapai 90% lulusan. LSPR Career Centre selain menyelenggarakan seminar dan pelatihan, menyediakan informasi lowongan pekerjaan, juga membantu menyalurkan alumni ke bidang pekerjaan yang mereka inginkan baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. 


Sejak tahun 2002, LSPR selalu mendapat pengakuan dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional dengan nilai A. Untuk program S1 LSPR telah mendapat pengakuan internasional dari lembaga akreditasi internasional yakni The London Chamber of Commerce and Industry Examination Board (LCCI) United Kingdom dan City and Guilds UK sedangkan untuk Program S2, LSPR menjalin kerjasama dengan Edith Cowan University Australia dan City and Guilds UK.


Pada 9 November 2016, LSPR telah menerima surat keputusan Menteri Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 345/M/KPT/2016 mengenai penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh pada lingkup program studi Ilmu Komunikasi. LSPR juga mendapatkan tiga penghargaan dari KEMENRISTEK DIKTI pada tanggal 30 November 2016 dengan predikat Peringkat I di Kalangan Sekolah Tinggi untuk Aspek Kelembagaan, Peringkat I di Kalangan Sekolah Tinggi untuk Aspek Kemahasiswaan dan Peringkat II di Kalangan Sekolah Tinggi untuk Aspek Ketenagaan.


Kemudian LSPR bertransformasi menjadi Institut Komunikasi dan Bisnis LSPR atau LSPR Communication & Business Institute berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi dengan Nomor 1035/KPT/I/2019. Surat keputusan tersebut diberikan oleh Dr. M. Samsuri, S.Pd., M.T (Plt. Kepala Lembaga LLDIKTI Wilayah III) dan diterima oleh LSPR Manajemen pada Hari Selasa, 12 November 2019 di Kantor LLDIKTI Wilayah III Jakarta. LSPR kini menyelenggarakan 7 (tujuh) Program Studi, yaitu Ilmu Komunikasi Program Magister, Ilmu Komunikasi Program Sarjana, Ilmu Komunikasi Program Sarjana Program Pendidikan Jarak Jauh yang diselenggarakan di Provinsi Bali, Desain Komunikasi Visual Program Sarjana, Manajemen Program Sarjana, Pariwisata Program Sarjana, dan Bisnis Jasa Program Sarjana.




Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut, silahkan hubungi:

Aprida Sihombing

Penanggung Jawab Media Kegiatan Program Literasi Desa LSPR

Hp : +62 812 1951383

Email : aprida.ms@lspr.edu


Kartini Dwi Sartika

Deputy Head External Relation

Corporate Reputation Department LSPR

Hp : +62 877 2220 0698

Email : kartini.ds@lspr.edu


LSPR Communication and Business Institute memberikan beasiswa untuk atlet Indonesia yang maju bertanding dalam Olimpiade Tokyo 2020 atau Tokyo Olympic 2020. Para patriot olahraga Indonesia telah mengharumkan nama negeri ini dengan berbagai capaian luar biasa yang didapatkan selama olimpiade berlangsung.
Siapa yang tak bangga, dalam pertandingan bergengsi yang ditunggu-tunggu ini, Indonesia berhasil membawa pulang berbagai medali. Olimpiade Tokyo 2020 yang digelar pada 23 Juli – 8 Agustus 2021 di Tokyo diikuti 200 negara peserta. Indonesia mengirimkan 28 atlet dari cabang olahraga bulu tangkis, atletik, panahan, menembak, rowing, surfing, angkat besi, dan renang.
LSPR Communication and Business Institute sebagai bentuk kepedulian dan rasa bangga terhadap patriot olahraga Indonesia telah menjalin kerjasama dengan Komite Nasional Olahraga Indonesia (KONI) Pusat pada Januari 2020 lalu.
Keterampilan komunikasi merupakan skill-set utama yang akan diberikan kepada para patriot olahraga Indonesia yang membanggakan ini.
Beasiswa pelatihan di bidang komunikasi ini telah tercatat resmi pada 27 Januari 2020 lalu melalui Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) antara LSPR Institute dan KONI Pusat di Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium & Performance Hall, LSPR Jakarta.
LSPR memberi dukungan beasiswa Strata Satu (S1) dan Strata Dua (S2) melalui Pendidikan Jarak Jauh untuk 75 atlet berprestasi di kancah Internasional, sehingga lebih fleksibel menyesuaikan dengan kepadatan aktivitas atlet khususnya pada saat Pelatihan Nasional (Pelatnas).
Seperti yang disampaikan sebelumnya oleh Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR selaku Founder and CEO LSPR Institute, bahwa program beasiswa ini diberikan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan potensi akademis atlet Indonesia. “Melalui beasiswa ini, diharapkan dapat juga menunjang karier para atlet Indonesia kedepannya nanti setelah melewati masa keemasannya. Saya juga turut bangga dan ingin ucapkan selamat kepada Greysia Polli dan Apriyani Rahayu yang meraih medali emas dalam Tokyo Olympic 2020 ini,” ujar Prita.
“Tidak dapat pungkiri bahwa ada beberapa Atlit berprestasi yang masa pensiunnya kurang mendapatkan perhatian dan kurang sejahtera. Oleh karenanya, KONI Pusat ingin mendukung para Atlit Patriot Olah Raga berprestasi tersebut melalui pendidikan yang berkualitas agar pilihan karier  di masa pensiunnya menjadi lebih baik.,” ujar Ketua Umum KONI Pusat, Letjen TNI (Purn) Marciano Norman.
Sementara itu, Rektor LSPR Institute, Dr. Andre Ikhsano menyampaikan, “Kami LSPR sangat senang dapat memberikan kontribusi akademik kepada atlet Indonesia yang membanggakan, semoga dengan dukungan beasiswa ini dapat melengkapi prestasi atlet Indonesia tidak hanya di bidang olahraga, tapi juga di bidang pendidikan”.
Adapun beberapa atlet Indonesia yang membanggakan dan sudah mulai menjalankan program beasiswa dari LSPR sejak Maret 2020 dan September 2020 adalah:
1. Prada Hanan Farmadini – Marketing Communication (Cabang Olahraga Renang)
2. Pancar Nur Widiastono – Marketing Communication (Cabang Olahraga Sepak Bola)
3. Khairul Imam Zakiri – Marketing Communication (Cabang Olahraga Sepak Bola)
4. Farrel Armandio Tangkas – Marketing Communication (Cabang Olahraga Renang)
5. Herlina Gitaningsih – Public Relations (Cabang Olahraga Judo)
6. Dennish Diaz Himawan – Public Relations (Cabang Olahraga Sepak Bola)
7. Raihan Abdul Hakim Hadi Rizki – Marketing Communication (Cabang Olahraga Sepak
8. Aulia Risma Widyaningsih – Public Relations (Cabang Olahraga Tennis)
9. Mahir Radja Satya Djamaoeddin – Public Relaitons (Cabang Olahraga Sepak Bola)
10. Mohammad Afganiladin – Marketing Communication (Cabang Olahraga Sepak Bola)



Jakarta – LSPR Communication and Business Institute provides scholarships for Indonesian athletes who advance to compete in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics or Tokyo Olympic 2020. Indonesian sports patriots have made this country proud with various extraordinary achievements obtained during the Olympics.

How can anyone not be proud, in this long-awaited prestigious match, Indonesia has successfully managed to bring home various medals. The 2020 Tokyo Olympics, which is currently being held from 23 July until 8 August 2021 in Tokyo, will be attended by 200 participating countries. Indonesia sent 28 sport athletes from badminton, athletics, archery, shooting, rowing, surfing, weightlifting, and swimming.

LSPR Communication and Business Institute, as a form of concern and pride for Indonesian sports patriots, has collaborated with the Central Indonesian Sports National Committee (KONI) in January 2020.

Communication skills are the main skill-set that will be given to these proud Indonesian sports patriots. This training scholarship in the field of communication was officially recorded on 27 January 2020 through a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the LSPR Institute and the Central KONI at Prof. Dr. Djajusman Auditorium & Performance Hall, LSPR Jakarta.

LSPR provides support for Undergraduate (S1) and Postgraduate (S2) scholarships through Distance Education for 75 outstanding athletes in the international scene, making it more flexible to adapt to the density of the athletes’ activities, especially during National Training (Pelatnas).

As previously stated by Prita Kemal Gani, MBA, MCIPR as Founder and CEO of the LSPR Institute, this scholarship program is given to improve the quality of education and academic potential of Indonesian athletes. “Through this scholarship, it is hoped that it can also support the careers of Indonesian athletes in the future, after going through their golden period,” said Prita.

“It cannot be denied that there are some outstanding athletes whose retirement period does not receive enough attention and is less prosperous. Therefore, Central KONI wants to support these outstanding Sports Patriot Athletes with a high quality education so that their career choices in retirement will be better,” said General Chairman of Central KONI, Lt. Gen. TNI (Ret.) Marciano Norman.

Meanwhile, the Rector of the LSPR Institute, Dr. Andre Ikhsano said, “LSPR is very happy to be able to provide academic contributions to proud Indonesian athletes, hopefully with the support of this scholarship it can complement the achievements of Indonesian athletes not only in the field of sports, but also in the field of education”.

Some proud Indonesian athletes who have started running the scholarship program from LSPR since March 2020 and September 2020 are:

  1. Prada Hanan Farmadini – Marketing Communication (Swimming Branch)
  2. Pancar Nur Widiastono – Marketing Communication (Football Branch)
  3. Khairul Imam Zakiri – Marketing Communication (Football Branch)
  4. Farrel Armandio Tangkas – Marketing Communication (Swimming Branch)
  5. Herlina Gitaningsih – Public Relations (Judo Branch)
  6. Dennish Diaz Himawan – Public Relations (Soccer Branch)
  7. Raihan Abdul Hakim Hadi Rizki – Marketing Communication (Football Branch)
  8. Aulia Risma Widyaningsih – Public Relations (Tennis Branch)
  9. Mahir Radja Satya Djamaoeddin – Public Relations (Football Branch)
  10. Mohammad Afganiladin – Marketing Communication (Football Branch)


[UPDATE] A Pre Departure and Farewell Event was Set Up for the Student Exchange Batch 23


Jakarta – On Friday the 30th of July, an event was established to celebrate the students partaking in the exchange school program from batch 23. It consisted of a wide variety of activities scheduled in order to provide these students with a proper send off. From multiple sharing sessions hosted by alumni students, a briefing regarding the different expected protocols/requirements and an enlightening QnA session;this batch of students were provided with a lot of information and an insider look to what their exchange school experience is potentially going to look like. 

Adinda Dwi Anggita spoke about her personal experience of doing a virtual exchange program.

The highlight of the event was most definitely the sharing session run by three students who have previously taken part in LSPR’s exchange school program. Adinda Dwi Anggita (Student Exchange Alumni to Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia) spoke about her personal experience of doing a virtual exchange program. She shared her anecdotes regarding the struggles of making friends virtually, getting in contact with professors and remaining active with different programs run by the university. Similarly, Yoshepin Sandi Christy (Student Exchange Alumni to Breda University of Applied Science, Netherlands) revealed the different culture shock experiences: whether that may be making friends with locals, speaking the language or finding comfort food. Collectively both had come up with a list of ‘tips and tricks’ to help aid students with their study plans going forward. Doing research about your host university, taking as many risks & opportunities, using public transportation, actively checking your emails and remaining in contact with IRPO were some of the many things advised. 

Ms Aka Aurora described her experience studying in Korea during pandemic.

“Living abroad is part of adulting” stated Ms Aka Aurora, LSPR Alumni and GKS Awardee 2020. Among other things she described her experience  about her time studying during quarantine and clarified the current pandemic situation in Korea. Furthermore, she helped students who will be studying in Korea by presenting the different guidelines and expectations while studying there. Students are advised to do as much research as possible, even narrowing it down to the smaller things (mannerism, lifestyles, interactions,etc) utilising social media and to look for the Indonesian embassy for any possible assistance. “It’s a very precious experience and not many people have the chance to do so, ensure that you reap the opportunities” she further stresses.  To close the ceremony, Ms Heidy hosted a briefing regarding the many different protocols students are expected to go through and prepared themselves for. 

All participants

Overall, the event was a lovely valediction for students expected to take off and partake in the student exchange program from batch 23. They were given a motivating and driving conference with so much information and advice that should benefit them and provide them with a lovely enchanting experience.

[HEADLINE] S’Talks “Humanitarian Action in a Time of Pandemic”


Jakarta – The Covid-19 pandemic is still not over, even recently the case of the spread of Covid-19 has increased again in Indonesia, causing hospitals to be full, many patients having to isolate at home. The demand for oxygen cylinders has also increased so that many people have difficulty getting oxygen. Related to this problem, the London School Beyond Academy through its regular event, S’Talks, held a talk show with the theme Humanitarian Action in a Time of Pandemic on Friday, July 30, 2021.

The speaker in this episode is an LSPR IKB Lecturer as well as a humanitarian volunteer, Mr. Muhammad Hidayat, M.Ikom. He is currently active as a humanitarian volunteer to help deal with Covid-19. He made a humanitarian action in the form of oxygen supply assistance for Covid-19 patients which was given free of charge and focused on the DKI Jakarta area. Starting from his intention to help as much as possible through Instagram, because of the many requests, now the movement has been massively called “Oxygen for Humanity”.

Mr. Dayat also shared the joys and sorrows of being a volunteer. “Tired that’s for sure, but to give up it’s not. The joy of being a volunteer is a lot of networking, lots of new friends, and many other benefits,” said Mr. Dayat. Another difficulty experienced while being a Covid-19 volunteer is having to be able to focus and maintain very strict health protocols. “We must strictly comply with health protocols, maintain cleanliness, and take vitamins to maintain body resistance,” he added.


In the question and answer session, one of the questions asked was about what made Pak Dayat always want to help others. He believes that when we help someone, we don’t know when but that kindness will surely come to us too, as long as the intention is sincere for good. At the end of the talk show, Rian and Ando as hosts did not forget to remind the audience to keep obey to health protocols.

Article by: Hani



Jakarta – On Saturday, July 24, 2021, Communication Studies students majoring in Entrepreneurship Business Communication Batch 22 LSPR Communication and Business Institute held a virtual exhibition with the theme Fashion and Food (ON&OD) Exhibition. This event was held as a form of appreciation for UMKMs who are struggling during the Covid-19 pandemic and to inspire young people in building and developing businesses in the digital era.

The event was opened by remarks from Mr. Mikhael Yulius Cobis M.Sc., M.M as the Dean of the LSPR Communication Faculty and Mr. Maulibian Perdana Putra MBA, as a lecturer for the Entrepreneur Showcase course. The ON&OD Exhibition presents an interactive mini talk show about the fashion and food business which is attended by LSPR students and the general audience from various backgrounds.

Riyadh Ridianto, owner of the Coffee & Pelakor Kitchen business, one of the speakers at this event said that there are three important things in building a business, namely focus, commitment and consistency. “Everything we go through is full of consequences, it’s just that these consequences can make us weak or become a process for us to be better,” said Riyadh. Another speaker, Kesuma Kurniadi, Founder of Chiel Shoes, stated that he built his business from his love of shoes. “So, I created a chiel shoes business based on my hobbies and interests. I also created chiel shoes with different innovations from other products,” he said.

This event was also supported by Baqoel, an online supplier of culinary ingredients for hotels, restaurants, cafes, institutions, MSMEs and industries. This business support program is related to capital support and collaboration between Baqoel x Mitra Baqoelpreneur to support the people’s economy and the growth of the MSME business. Baqoel opens opportunities for 500 registrants who have the opportunity to get a capital loan of Rp. 5-Rp. 25 million rupiah.

Through this event, the participants is expected to get a lot of inspiration and wider insight after hearing the exposure of the speakers’ experiences in managing their business.

All participants

Webinar LSPR Literasi Desa: Pemasaran Usaha dan Jasa Melalui Media Sosial


Dear LSPR Lecturer, Management and Staff,

Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi bersama dengan LP3M bekerjasama dalam kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat untuk para pengusaha UMKM di  Desa Tridayasakti, Tambun Selatan – Bekasi.

Bersama ini kami mengundang Bapak/Ibu Dosen dan Mahasiswa/i  LSPR Institute untuk dapat menghadiri kegiatan webinar Pemasaran Usaha dan Jasa Melalui Media Sosial.

Webinar ini akan mengundang narasumber yaitu Bapak Iyan Priyatna – Kepala Dinas Koperasi Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Kabupaten Bekasi dan Bapak Resiyaman Patrick Oratmangun, MIB – Dosen LSPR serta berlaku sebagai moderator adalah Dr. Lestari Nurhajati, M.Si – Wakil Rektor IV di LSPR Institute. Adapun webinar ini akan dibuka oleh Bapak Suwardi Wada, SE – Kepala Desa Tridayasakti dan Ibu Rani Chandra Oktaviani, M.Si – Kepala Pengabdian Masyarakat LSPR Institute.

Webinar ini akan dilaksanakan pada:
🗓️ Hari/tanggal : Kamis, 5 Agustus 2021
⏰ Waktu : 10.00 – 12.00 WIB
💻 Media : ZOOM Meeting


Meeting ID: 823 2386 8022

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mohon untuk menghubungi Ms. Stephanny (08983522292)

Webinar ini sangat direkomendasikan untuk Ibu/Bapak Dosen dan Mahasiswa/i  LSPR Institute. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan ini dan sampai bertemu di ruang diskusi.

Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi & LP3M LSPR Institute.

Faculty of Business: “Understanding How Digital Transformation is Changing The Face of Entrepreneurship in Indonesia”


Dear Colleagues,

Business Faculty, LSPR Communication & Business Institute proudly present:
“Understanding How Digital Transformation is Changing The Face of Entrepreneurship in Indonesia”

This event is LSPR Communication & Business Institute’s dedication to the general public regarding the results of knowledge and understanding that LSPR has gained through collaboration with Alibaba Business School in the Global Digital Talent Programme for digital transformation.

In this webinar, two certified lecturers for Alibaba GDT Programme will share their knowledge on how digital transformation changes the face of entrepreneurship and its culture as a whole in Indonesia.
This event will be held on:
Day, Date : Friday, August 6th, 2021
Time : 13.30 – 15.30 WIBPlatform : Zoom meeting conference
Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81585960656?pwd=dGszdHBHNGw3amUvZllBa2doeXFWZz09
Meeting ID: 815 8596 0656
Passcode: 863585

This event is free and only available for limited seat. So don’t you miss this opportunity and see you at the event.

Business Faculty, LSPR Communication & Business Institute.

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